1. How can I join the club?
Just get in touch at info@dauntsac.com and pop down for a chat with other members. Members meet every weekend and go to a local pub afterward for a social drink or two.
2. I am a PADI Open Water diver, can I join the club?
Yes, you can become a member straight away. After a successful assessment dive in the pool, you will be able to come on club dive trips and start enjoying Irish diving! We offer free dry-suit training to club members.
3. I would like to learn how to dive, where do I start from?
First, give it a try! Come down for a try dive in the pool with no obligation, one of our instructors will be happy to teach you the basics. The club will provide all the equipment you need for the session which will set you back. If you really enjoyed that first try dive and want to get qualified to be able to dive in Ireland and around the world then join us and enroll in the Ocean Diver course. The course will teach you all the theory and practical skills you need to dive in open water.
4. Do I need a dry suit to dive in the Irish waters?
It depends on the time of year and on how sensitive you are to cold. Most of our members have their own dry suit and wear it on all UK or Irish trips at all times of the year. From July to November on the South coast, the water temperatures can be above 17 degrees making a thick wet suit possible.
5. Can I rent a dry suit instead of buying one?
It’s generally very difficult to rent dry suits with almost no dive shops offering this service. The reason is that you need a dry suit that fits you well or it will leak. Although it’s a big investment, by far the best solution is to get your own dry suit. The club does have a small selection of dry suits that club members can try in the pool. If any of these fits you and doesn’t leak then you are welcome to rent them for dive trips – but beware of competition from other members!
6. Can I rent dive gear at the club?
No. But we can direct you in the right direction.
7. How can I go on a dive trip, what is it like?
Dive time! Dive trips are organized by members for members and are published in the dive calendar every year. You can simply just email the organizer for the trips you would like to join. For a typical weekend trip to the south coast, we drive down on a Friday evening for a good night’s sleep and have 2 dives per day on Saturday and Sunday before returning back home. Accommodation, food and petrol costs are shared to keep costs low however you are free to arrange for your own accommodation if you wish.
8. How much does it cost to join the club?
If you are new to diving you will need to join CMAS as well as our branch (which can be done as an owner). If you are already a CMAS member then you only need to join our club. See our fees page for details. What is Diving Ireland?
You are New
or Experienced Diver ?
You can
find us
Address Cork City
Email: info@dauntsac.com
Phone: 087 343 6711