Blue Season Bali – a leading dive operator in Bali, is offering you the chance to win “The Best Dive Job in the World – a seven-month PADI Dive Instructor internship, including accommodation and meals worth over US$16,000.
No prior scuba diving experience is required, just a sense of adventure and a determination to make a dynamic change in your life. Blue Seasons Bali will take the lucky winner from the beginning diver to the coveted PADI Dive Instructor certification recognized the world over as synonymous with expertise and excellence in dive training.
How to Enter?
The contest, which started on October 30, 2010, will run until February 28, 2011, and is open to anyone 18-years-of-age or older. Entrants must submit either a 1-minute video or a 50-word essay with supporting photos answering the question: “Why do I want to change my life and become a PADI Instructor.”
Promoted in leading dive magazines in Australasia, the contest is generating strong worldwide interest with millions of viewers visiting the official website and Facebook page resulting in more than 200 entries in hand at the end of January 2011.
Pleased with the enthusiastic response, Jonathan Cross, marketing director at Blue Season Bali, explained the global enthusiasm, saying: “Everyone wants a taste of the good life. Living on a tropical island and diving every day appeals to a huge amount of people. . . .The diving lifestyle is an amazing deviation from every day, from the mundane, from the expected.”
The competition closes on Feb 28, 2011.
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